Friday 27 September 2013

September 23-27

Pauline remembers that we learned about crocodiles in math. The crocodile likes to eat larger numbers.

 "We had the Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 27th." - Sara

"We learned the following song and revisited the Sur, sous, dans song." - Alex

Chanson des voyelles:

A E I O U,
A E I O U,
A E I O U,
Est la famille de voyelles!

Pauline announced that we learned about VOWELS!

"We read some French books this week like "Je me soucie des autres." - Joceline

"We wrote every day in French and English."- Kieran

Sunday 22 September 2013

Second Full Week!

What a busy week! We've been working hard at developing a routine and learning.

Firstly we learnt a song in Science about positions. Have a listen and sing along!

Sur, sous, dans,
Devant, derrière,
Devant, derrière,
Devant, derrière.

Sur, sous, dans,
Devant, derrière,
À côté de... MOI!

We also started home reading. 

We learned odd and even numbers.

And every day we've been writing in French and English while using a pencil grip that will allow us to hold our pencils correctly.

Please Clean Up your Room by Itah Sadu

The Day The Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt

The Bears We Know by Brenda Silsbe

Friday 6 September 2013

First Day Back!!

Wow! What a day? It was SO nice to see everyone today at school and ready to go! We spent much of the day going over class expectations and even expectations of Mme. We started discussing some of our class routines.

We talked about respect and we even did a sheet about what we did this summer.
I am VERY excited that we have a wonderful mix of people in our class. We have artists and great spellers! I know this is going to be a great year. Well done to everyone! Fantastic first day! 
Mme Lemoine

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Bonne Rentrée!!

It's that time again! It's the start of a brand new year! I hope that everyone had a great summer and I can't wait to hear about all the wonderful things you did over the holidays. I've been busy planning and preparing fun activities for us this year.
Nous allons nous amuser cette année!